Dedicated to producing and training the finest Hunting Wirehaired Pointing Griffons
Our dogs were chosen for their incredible hunting instincts, strong athletic physiques and trainability. In the late 1800s a Dutch sportsman and an avid hunter named Eduard Karel Korthals set out to create what he considered to be the perfect foot hunter’s dog, our goal is to keep his vision intact well into the future.
Our dogs are hunters first and foremost. Yes, we test our dogs to add to their pedigree, (Gus has passed the NAVHDA UPT test as well as the NAVHDA UT test, Cota has passed NAVHDA NA test-maximum score and the UT test-maximum score, CK, our youngster received the top score 112 on his Natural Ability test and at only one year eleven months passed the NAVHDA UT test receiving 197 points out of a possible 204. ) but the testing is only a by-product of their hunting instincts and time afield. Yes, we breed our dogs, but we are not a high production kennel. Our puppies are from our beloved dogs that are a part of our family as well as our partners in the uplands and the duck blinds.
Why do we own Wirehaired Pointing Griffons? That’s a great question! I have hunted with pointers since childhood. I have hunted, tested and trained many breeds over the past forty years and I must say I’ve loved them all. But when I got my Griff, I knew I would never be without one again. If you own, or have owned a Griff you already know what I’m talking about, if you haven’t, you are in for a treat. We are foot hunters and a Griff is a perfect match of friend, companion, partner and an all out hunting machine in the field, or blind. But at home, a Griff is a loving family member that will steal your heart and enhance your life.
Our stud HG's Cota's Keoki (CK) has a star studded pedigree with NAVHDA tested UT dogs from Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Mother, Father to CK. (See more about this on CK's page.)
If you’re looking for a powerful hunting companion that wants to hunt with you and for you, a pup that is loyal and smart, an athlete in the field and at play, a dog that will warm your heart and fill your game bag, you’ve landed at the right spot.
We are now located in Idaho and have a wonderful new training center.
Please take time to look over our site, we hope you enjoy the pictures and information within.
And don't forget to check out George's book: Tips and Tales On Training Your Bird Dog on Amazon.com
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me, or give me a call, I love to talk dogs!
George DeCosta, Jr.

Eduard Karel Korthals with his Wirehaired Pointing Griffons